From Val's Desk

Sometimes when you are too poor to afford a psychologist, you can listen to your heart, sort things out, monitor your own growth, make decisions by writing things out... Some call it journaling...taking notes...bad poetry... Some experiences become understandable by giving them words...safely...privately on be shared when ready. It works...a cup of coffee...a yellow pad...a number 2 pencil...and a little time out....

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Location: Spokane, Washington, United States

Friday, April 11, 2008

A Lonely Trip

When I go reaching for new horizons
Searching for the unknown’s a lonely trip

Often when I find myself thinking…
You are finally learning not to ...”Push the River”

I look around to see that I am, instead
Expending a hell of a lot of energy...digging new channels

I have made it halfway
Through this life and am still pursuing the question marks

Seems like I still reach for love...and
Flee from the shadows of ...loneliness and wandering

I entered this world as a bona fide bastard
And grin as I watch others still trying to become.

Having decided on tackling life’s problems head on...
I find the effort a full time marathon in itself.

There is no time left for playing dumb games.
Reality is a full time job.

February 1974


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