From Val's Desk

Sometimes when you are too poor to afford a psychologist, you can listen to your heart, sort things out, monitor your own growth, make decisions by writing things out... Some call it journaling...taking notes...bad poetry... Some experiences become understandable by giving them words...safely...privately on be shared when ready. It works...a cup of coffee...a yellow pad...a number 2 pencil...and a little time out....

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Location: Spokane, Washington, United States

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The DFWM Woman's Group

“Here’s to us women... short and tall.
God bless us and all.”

Meeting for over twenty-seven years...
We now are aged “ fifty to eighty-five.”

In 1980...we were the
“Thursday Night Marching & Chowder Society,
Prayer and Burn-out Group”.

We grew…got smart…got strong…got powerful
…accomplished much….and changed our name!

In 2008, we are
The Don’t F... With Me Women’s Group!

We are kind…heart wise…intelligent…funny…insightful
Intuitive…talented…hardworking…powerful…and friends.

Cross us at your own peril.
Accept us and we will love and
support you without judgment for life.

a child of rural America with its deep values
and common sense that never left her.

A strong woman who still unstintingly gives
to family, friends and community and
leaves the world a better place.

Don’t mistake her quiet demeanor for lack of courage.

This is the lady who caravanned across America
in a statement of freedom to chase dreams

who explored other cultures in Latin America and
understands the workings of our own world.

A graduate student, social worker/therapist
businesswoman, mother and school volunteer
...she still glows…and grows.

...a woman-child of inner spirit
who searches for truth and peace.
She embraces wisdoms from across the ages.

She is an artist who colors her world
with an imaginative eye.
She became a massage therapist and now
relieves pain and stress with a seeking hand.

She has an ethereal nature that does not sit still.
We stay tuned to see if this sprite can ever be contained
for one moment or... all time.
We welcome what she brings to the sisterhood.

At first you see wide-eyed wonder
…running late and seemingly distracted.

Yeah Right!

We know about the sexy siren in a snow cave
Co-pilot with Don Quixote in a hand built glider
High country hiker
Mental health professional...grandmother.

We look deep and see...common sense
...steely resolve...humor and wisdom.

She is Athena anchoring her family
with gossamer threads of love to the earth.

Who is the very model of a modern major matriarch...
Doing work that changes the world …one heart at a time.

Creating art that reflects her soul’s eye.
Dancing steps that say
“I am me roar”

Mom to children, grandchildren,
friend and stranger alike...

In her 80’s....sailing, flying,
driving across the fabric of her country
Ever learning new things..
language, art, skills, ideas and possibilities.

She has been teaching us how to live without regret!

She sees the world through rebel lenses
Sees life as it ought to be.
Fights off the uglies as they are
For herself and others.

Honored in Japan as respected elder
Striking awe for working two jobs .
Respected for her courage
And her moxie in the art of survival.

Open to all possibilities ... tough in adversity
Patient with her friends
Thoughtful in her gaze…artistic in her soul
She ministers as nurse and counselor.

She re-invents her space, keeps searching
She supports friends without hesitation
She keeps dancing
And takes crap from no one.

Notice that Kym gets tougher,
smarter and bolder every year?

From those who admire her fighting spirit
And willingness to challenge
Unfairness wherever she finds it
....we say “Hoo-ah!”

Notice the sun beams dancing on the river...
It’s Kym’s spirit out for a spin.

Notice that Kym’s friends love her company
And laugh...and sit in awe...

Notice how the world would be duller
More perverse without Kym’s presence.

What can we say about the self appointed scribe
For this uppity women’s tribe?

Still rocking and rolling after fifty years.

Reading since the second grade
Writing in her second life.

Knows the secrets of mind travel
Values books high among possessions.

Creates purposeful chaos and change.
Rescues the lost and thereby herself.

High school drop-out
Became a graduate student.

Motorcycle rider
Became agency program director.

Peaceful poet
Rabble rousing and marching against war.

Soars with Dr. D in his magical aero-machine!


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